Spending Trends
Event-Impact Analysis
Assess and compare consumer spending behaviour and the economic impact of an event or project venture on spending volumes in a geographic region.
Measure the spending impact of events
Consumer payment data can help businesses and public sector agencies better understand the success and economic impact of their organized events and projects. With access to an extensive payments database we can generate timely, relevant insights that speak to consumer spending and buying behaviour before, during and after an event or project. This data is available at granular geo-levels and industry categorizations, along with comparative information for other geo-locations and industries over the same period.
Public sector agencies can use this information to understand the impact of projects or events within their territory. Private sector enterprises can assess the results of organized events and determine whether these events help boost their revenues. Our Event-Impact Analysis solution can help inform and optimize plans and strategies for future events and project ventures. Request a demo
Public sector agencies can use this information to understand the impact of projects or events within their territory. Private sector enterprises can assess the results of organized events and determine whether these events help boost their revenues. Our Event-Impact Analysis solution can help inform and optimize plans and strategies for future events and project ventures. Request a demo
Key insights: measurement and optimization
Analyze the effectiveness of an event or project by comparing the changes in consumer spending, over a period of time, within targeted geo-locations and industries.
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Use case: Optimize policies & economic decisions
Review consumer spending data insights across different regions, industries and periods to benchmark strategic decisions and inform future direction.
Key insights:
Consumer Spending Trends
Location Data (Geo Level)
Event-Impact Analysis
Measure market impact
Leverage consumer data and insights to identify and better evaluate trends in the market. Review consumer spending trends to forecast impacts on the Canadian economy.
Key insights:
Event-Impact Analysis
Measurement and optimization
* Residency is determined at an FSA level; determination is dependent on a certain minimal level of transactional activity on a card. To ensure the privacy and anonymity of individual cardholders, geo-locational reporting is at an FSA level (or higher); a specific geo-location will only be reported if it meets certain minimum constraints.