Celebrate Canada’s birthday with 20,000,000 tourists [Infographic]

Celebrate Canada’s birthday with 20,000,000 tourists [Infographic]

May 30, 2017 By: Moneris Team Calculating time...

As Canada invites the world to its 150th birthday, we want to make sure your business is ready to attract the crowds of international tourists heading this way to celebrate. Get the details on who is coming and how your business can cash in.

Article filed under:

Tourism and Events


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Moneris Team

Moneris is a leading provider of payment processing solutions in Canada. Our blog is your go-to resource for insights into the ever-evolving world of payments. We cover everything from the latest industry trends and technologies to practical advice for businesses of all sizes. Our blog's mission is to spotlight small businesses and provide resources that help them succeed in today's economy. Blog articles are written by members of Moneris' in-house marketing team with support from internal product and industry experts.