How Canadians Spend and Snack for Football's BIG Game

How Canadians Spend and Snack for Football's BIG Game

February 04, 2016 By: Moneris Team Calculating time...

Could American football be a Canadian pastime? In 2015, more than 19 million Canadians – more than half the population – watched the New England Patriots defeat the Seattle Seahawks. 

Millions of Canadians are expected to tune into the 50th anniversary of football’s biggest game on Sunday February 7 – and they won’t forget the snacks. Last year, football fans spent an average of $61 per person on game necessities, mostly on food and drinks. Find out how Canadians spend their Big Game dollars to help make sure your business is game-ready by Sunday.

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Moneris Team

Moneris is a leading provider of payment processing solutions in Canada. Our blog is your go-to resource for insights into the ever-evolving world of payments. We cover everything from the latest industry trends and technologies to practical advice for businesses of all sizes. Our blog's mission is to spotlight small businesses and provide resources that help them succeed in today's economy. Blog articles are written by members of Moneris' in-house marketing team with support from internal product and industry experts.