If you’re currently selling a product or service online that might appeal to shoppers outside of Canada, it’s time to start thinking about scaling your business globally. You could be missing out on new international shoppers that are looking for your products. Take a look at some eye-opening international spending trends that may make you re-think your overseas selling efforts.
Offering multi-currency pricing on your website allows customers to view and check-out in their local currency and is a great way to start attracting international buyers. Moneris multi-currency pricing option automatically checks and calculates the foreign exchange rate in real time providing transparent pricing and a better overall user experience.
Interested in adding multi-currency pricing to your online store? Get in touch here.
1 Nielsen’s Connected Commerce Report 2018
2 Statistica
3 Statistica
4 Statistica 2020 eCommerce report in Canada
5 Statistica
6 Reuters
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Global InsightsShare